Retinal OCT Becoming Integral to Cataract Surgery Success
According to a recent Ocular Surgery News /Healio article, carrying out an OCT examination identifies preexisting conditions that could affect the outcomes of cataract surgery and helps select candidates for premium IOLs.
Subtle changes are often not visible on a fundus exam, resulting in some patients with retinal disease going undetected, potentially impacting a premium IOL's performance. All cataract patients, not just those seeking presbyopia correcting technology, should have an OCT exam because other pathologies can contribute to decreased vision along with the cataract. Considering these findings to set patients’ expectations for cataract surgery is crucial.
When OCT is used as part of the cataract surgery workup, surgeons are better equipped to make appropriate lens selections and properly manage expectations based on the patients’ specific visual status and abilities. For example, a diabetic patient might need counseling regarding control of his HbA1C and its ultimate impact on the ocular health. A patient’s control or lack thereof, may influence the choice of IOL.
“It's about seeing the unseen and guiding appropriately,” says Steve Charles. “Patient satisfaction counts. If patients undergo cataract surgery but have a macular disorder that limits their vision postoperatively, they suspect the cataract surgeon is at fault."
Read the full OSN/Healio article to learn more about how David M. Brown, MD; Steve Charles, MD; Uday Devgan, MD; and Karolinne M. Rocha, MD, PhD use OCT to provide comprehensive care to their patients.