
Retinal Oct Scans Pre-Empt Posterior Segment Surprises Following Cataract Surgery

While standard biomicroscopic fundus examinations are commonly used to evaluate the retina, they may miss subtle yet significant macular pathologies, particularly in the presence of lens opacities or poor pupil dilation. By incorporating retinal OCT into preoperative assessments, surgeons can better inform patients, refine surgical strategies, and ultimately enhance postoperative results.

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Red and Green Indicators: A New perspective on Glaucoma

Listen in as Dr. Chris Lievens and Dr. Andrew Rixon tackle the complexities and misconceptions of glaucoma care. Their candid discussion emphasizes the importance of looking beyond simplistic interpretations of red and green indicators and committing to a comprehensive analysis to ensure the best possible care.

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Analysis of anterior chamber inflammation

In this video interview at ARVO 2024, Edmund Tsui, MD, presents an overview of his team's research using swept-source OCT with the ANTERION platform to look at anterior chamber cells in patients with uveitis.

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Podcast: Bringing OCT Imaging to Life

Join your host, Chris Lievens, OD, MS, PhD, and guest Jim Williamson, OD, FAAO, as they dive into the facinating world of OCT imaging. Discover the intricacies of OCT technology and journey through the evolution of retinal imaging from the past to the present, while speculating on future directions.

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Getting the Whole Picture

In this case study of a 72-year-old diabetic patient with compromised vision, James Fanelli, OD, highlights the importance of stepping back from micron-level details in OCT interpretations to gain a broader understanding of ocular health

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Clinicians are keenly aware of the need to keep patients onboard with treatment and never more so with a condition which shows no real benefit of treatment.  Visualisation - black means fluid, and grey means abnormal blood vessels - is the key to ensuring that patients return regularly and engage with sight-saving therapies

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