The Core DNA of SPECTRALIS: Confocal Fundus Imaging

You can be sure – every SPECTRALIS® contains the core DNA for high contrast, high resolution images that cut through the noise and give you the confidence to make more informed clinical decisions.

Improve the patient experience with confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO). Since cSLO imaging minimizes the effects of light scatter, it provides clear and detailed images, even in eyes with media opacities!


Professor Frank G. Holz Universität BonnThe confocal scanning laser system, together with the eye tracker, provides high resolution images that are of great value for both the clinic’s day to day care of patients and our research purposes.

Professor Frank G. Holz, University of Bonn, Germany


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Standard 30° Infrarot-fundusbild mit SPECTRALIS
Standard 30° infrared fundus image with SPECTRALIS. With infrared, no pupil dilation is necessary!


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