SPECTRALIS Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: Principles and Clinical Applications

This new paper provides you with a comprehensive overview of the design principles of the non-invasive SPECTRALIS® OCT Angiography Module, as part of the SPECTRALIS multimodal imaging platform. Clinical examples illustrate the diagnostic applicability of the OCTA Module and demonstrate its clinically-relevant capabilities.

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  • Live retinal tracking for reliable results
    The patented SPECTRALIS TruTrack Active Eye Tracking technology corrects possible displacements by reacquiring OCT images at the correct retinal location in real-time.
  • A distinct algorithm for high-contrast images
    OCTA algorithms vary in their ability to create contrast between static tissue and flow. The SPECTRALIS OCTA algorithm utilizes a full-spectrum probabilistic approach to generate OCTA images with an almost binary, high-contrast appearance.
  • Flexible scan patterns offer high-speed and high-resolution
    SPECTRALIS OCTA offers flexible scan patterns with variable scan densities and fields, selectable depending on the pathology of interest. For example: A 30°x15° scan pattern can provide a relatively large overview of the retinal and choroidal circulation whereas a high resolution scan of a smaller field can facilitate a more detailed evaluation of vascular abnormalities at the capillary level.
  • Enlightening flow overlay images to pinpoint pathology
    A fusion image superimposes the OCTA signal on the structural OCT section image offering a detailed and precise correlation between retinal microstructures and perfused vessels.

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