Interactive video tutorial for Widefield Imaging Module
The Widefield Imaging Module provides a 55 degree field of view for all SPECTRALIS® fundus imaging modalities including MultiColor, BluePeak, infrared reflectance, angiography, and OCT.

The Widefield Imaging Module provides a 55 degree field of view for all SPECTRALIS® fundus imaging modalities including MultiColor, BluePeak, infrared reflectance, angiography, and OCT.
Dr. Kester Nahen, Managing Director of Heidelberg Engineering, explains in this interview the diagnostic potential and limitations of OCT angiography.
This novel technology makes it possible to visualize distinct vascular networks at different depths in the retina [...]
Record numbers attended this year’s International SPECTRALIS Symposium (ISS). More than 400 participants from 49 countries accepted an invitation from the Heidelberg Engineering Academy to the 13th ISS in Valencia, Spain, held on October 16 and 17, 2015.
Heidelberg Engineering attended the congress of the German Ophthalmologists’ Society (DOG) in Berlin from October 1-4, 2015. The overarching motto of this year’s event was basic research and cross-disciplinary cooperation.
The European Vision Institute (EVI) announced the winners of its 7th Picture Competition in Vision Research & Ophthalmology. Heidelberg Engineering has supported this competition since its first edition in 2009.
The feedback and reactions to the first public presentation of Heidelberg Engineering’s new Cataract and Refractive Imaging Platform at the ESCRS in Barcelona were extremely [...]
The Heidelberg Engineering team will be happy to welcome you at the 15th EURETINA Congress hosted by the European Society of Retina Specialists in Nice from September 17-20, 2015. Heidelberg Engineering’s booth will be M106, located at the Hall Meditérranée.
A recent cover article in Ocular Surgery News, Monitoring long-term effects on vision in microgravity a priority for NASA’s future flight to Mars, highlights NASA’s initiative to understand vision loss due to microgravity.
The complex nature of glaucoma presents doctors with unique challenges. The SPECTRALIS expandable diagnostic imaging platform offers several unique tools helpful in both early and advanced glaucoma.
OCT Angiography (OCT-A) has the potential to augment, and in many cases, replace traditional methods of examining the retinal and choroidal vasculature – once certain technical challenges are addressed.