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EDI – Enhanced Depth Imaging Mode

The Enhanced Depth Imaging Mode (EDI) of the SPECTRALIS is an OCT imaging technology that enables better visualization of choroidal vasculature. By automatically inverting the image and leveraging the benefits of technologies like TruTrack Active Eye Tracking and Noise Reduction, SPECTRALIS delivers superior images to depict the choroid, allowing to manually measure choroidal thickness.

Semi‐Automated Quantification of Retinal and Choroidal Biomarkers in Retinal Vascular Diseases: Agreement of Spectral‐Domain Optical Coherence Tomography with and without Enhanced Depth Imaging Mode

www.mdpi.com/ 2075-4418/ 12/ 2/ 333/ htm

Retinal and choroidal thickness in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease: a cross-sectional cohort study

journalretinavitreous. biomedcentral.com/ articles/ 10.1186/ s40942-021-00351-3

An Evaluation of Choroidal and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thicknesses Using SD-OCT in Children with Childhood IgA Vasculitis

www.mdpi.com/ 2075-4418/ 12/ 4/ 901/ htm


Active CNV

85 kHz 85 kHz with EDI
Retinitis Pigmentosa

85 kHz 85 kHz with EDI
85 kHz with EDI


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